Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Hello Teatristas!

What do 7 Playwrights, 7 Directors, 4 Scholars, 2 Administrators, 2 Producers, 1 Designer and 20 Actors all have in common? 

They were all in Los Angeles, California at the LATC on Sunday, July 1st for the first LA LATINO THEATRE MEETING of 2012!  That's 43 Latino Theatre Artists, Administrators and Advocates -- all committed to taking steps towards building a national latino theatre network! 

We will be sharing the notes, ideas and next steps generated at the meeting -- ON THIS BLOG in the next days.

For now, ENJOY THESE PICTURES of the meeting. They are of the breakout groups charged with brainstorming around four areas of a new network:  ORGANIZATIONAL MODELS,  ARTISTIC FIELD,  ONLINE/SOCIAL MEDIA RESOURCES and INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS! 

Meeting @ the LATC Theatre 3 (7/1/12)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Blog Posts & Quixote

Hola!  There I was, inviting folks to post their photos, projects, thoughts, etc., and then I found out that in order to post, you need to have "Author" status!
No problem!  Please either post a comment in response, or "Follow" this blog and we'll invite you to Author!
I just sent out emails to folks that are already Following ~ If you haven't received an invitation and would like to, please post here, or email Olga directly: olga@milagro.org.
A quick shout out to Rose Cano, whose play, "Don Quixote and Sancho Panza: Homeless in Seattle", will be read by the eSe Teatro ensemble at ACT's REPRESENT!: A Multicultural Playwright's Festival this month.  If you're visiting Seattle July 18 or 22, do check it out.  In this photo, our dear friend Jose Carrillo as Quixote...